Hazır Preparat Setleri

Detaylı Bilgi

Human Histoloji Hazır Preparat Seti

Human Histoloji Eğitim Seti;

  • HistoPlus™ Human Histoloji Slayt Seti üniversite standartlarına uygun olarak eğitim amaçlı üretilmiştir.
  • Bu set içerisinde 100 farklı histolojik insan dokusu bulunmaktadır. 
  • 14 insan ana sistemini ve farklı organ dokularını içerir.
  • Her kesitin kalınlığı 6 – 8 μm arasındadır.

14 Human Ana Sistem

1 Epitel Dokusu 8 Sindirim Sistemi
2 Bağ Dokusu 9 Solunum Sistemi
3 Kas Dokusu 10 İdrar Sistemi
4 Sinir Sistemi 11 Kadın Üreme Sistemi
5 Dolaşım Sistemi 12 Erkek Üreme Sistemi
6 Lenfatik Sistem 13 Duyu Organları
7 Endokrin Sistemi 14 Deri

1. Epithelial tissue 8. Digestive system
01 Simple columnar epithelium, in sec. of human intestine 47 Lip, human t.s.
02 Simple cuboidal epithelium, in sec. of human thyroid gland 48 Soft palate, human t.s.
03 Columnar epithelium, in t.s. of human gall bladder 49 Hard palate, human t.s.
04 Simple ciliated columnar epithelium, in t.s. of oviduct 50 Tongue, human, sec. with filiform papillae
05 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, trachea, t.s. 51 Tongue, human, sec. with fungiform papillae
06 Stratified, non-cornified squamous epithelium, oesophagus sec. 52 Oesophagus, human t.s.
07 Transitional epithelium, in sec. of human bladder 53 Liver of sec. silver stained show bile canaliculus
08 Squamous epithelium, isolated cells from human mouth, smear 54 Stomach, cardiac region, human t.s.
09 Golgi apparatus, silver stained 55 Stomach, fundic region, human t.s.
10 Normal human chromosome smear, male 56 Stomach, pyloric region, human t.s.
11 Normal human chromosome smear, female 57 Duodenum of Human sec.
2. Connective tissue 58 Jejunum of Human sec.
12 Loose connective tissue of Human sec. 59 Ileum of Human sec.
13 Dense connective tissue of Human sec. 60 Vermiform appendix, human t.s.
14 Adipose tissue of Human sec. 61 Colon of Human sec.
15 Hyaline cartilage of Human sec. 62 Rectum, human t.s.
16 Fibrous cartilage of Human sec. 63 Parotid gland of Human sec.
17 Elastic cartilage of Human sec. 64 Submaxillary gland, human t.s.
18 Human bone grinding w.m. 65 Sublingual salivary gland, human t.s.
19 Joint of human foetus, l.s. 66 Liver, human t.s.
20 Finger tip from human foetus, sagittal l.s. of nail development 67 Gall bladder, human t.s.
3. Muscular tissue 9. Respiratory system
21 Skeletal muscle of Human t.s.and l.s. (hematoxylin stain) 68 Trachea of Human t.s.
22 Skeletal muscle of Human t.s.and l.s. (H.E. stain) 69 Trachea of Human l.s.
23 Cardiac muscle of Human sec. (hematoxylin stain) 70 Epiglottis, human sec.
24 Cardiac muscle of Human sec. (H.E. stain) 71 Human Lung sec.
25 Smooth (involuntary) muscle, human l.s. and t.s. 10. Urinary system
4. Nervous System 72 Urinary bladder of Human sec.
26 Spinal cord of Human t.s. 73 Ureter of Human t.s.
27 Spinal cord smear show general structure 74 Kidney, human t.s.
28 Spinal ganglion, human t.s. H.E. stained 11. Female Reproductive system
29 Sympathetic ganglion, human t.s. H.E. stained 75 Ovary, human, t.s.
30 Cerebrum of Human sec. (HE) 76 Oviduct (fallopian tube), t.s.
31 Cerebellum of Human sec. (HE) 77 Human Uterus (proliferative phase) sec.
5. Circulation System 78 Human Uterus (secretory phase) sec.
32 Blood smear, human, Wright Giemsa stain 79 Uterine cervix of Human sec.
33 Blood smear, human, H.E. 80 Placenta of Human sec.
34 Human Medium-sized artery and vein sec. 81 Umbilical cord (navel string), human t.s.
35 Artery, human, t.s. H.E. stained 82 Vagina of Human sec.
36 Vein, human, t.s. H.E. stained 12. Male Reproductive system
6. Lymphatic system 83 Penis of Human sec. (infant)
37 Lymph node, human t.s. 84 Testis of Human sec.
38 Spleen, human t.s. 85 Sperm smear, human
39 Thymus of Human sec. 86 Epididymis, human t.s.
40 Tonsil (Tonsilla palatina), human t.s. 87 Prostate of Human sec.
41 Red bone marrow smear, Giemsa stained 88 Spermatic cord (Ductus deferens) of human t.s.
7. Endocrine system 89 Seminal vesicle (Glandula vesiculosa), human t.s.
42 Thyroid gland of Human sec. 13. Sensory organs
43 Parathyroid gland of Human sec. 90 Eyeball, Human sec.
44 Adrenal gland of Human sec. 91 Wallate papillae with taste buds, human t.s.
45 Pituitary gland (Hypophysis), human t.s. 92 Olfactory epithelium, human t.s.
46 Pancreas with islets of Langerhans, human, sec. 93 Tactile corpuscle of Human sec.
94 Lamellar corpuscle of Human sec.
14. Integument (Skin)
95 Scalp, vertical l.s. shows hair follicles human, H.E. stained
96 Skin from armpit with apocrine glands, vertical l.s.
97 Eyelid, human, t.s.
98 Mammary gland, active, human t.s.
99 Mammary gland, resting, human t.s.
100 Hair of Human w.m.